WASHINGTON, N.C. — Swim Guide is going year-round for a second year. For six years, conservation organization Sound Rivers has provided the service, letting the public know where it’s safe to swim in waterways throughout the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico river basins. This scaled-down, year-round version of Swim Guide will run until Memorial Day 2024, with […]
Join the Town of Garner for an evening of fun for the whole family at the Garner Independence Day Celebration at Lake Benson Park (921 Buffaloe Road) on July 3 from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
GREENVILLE, N.C. — Sound Rivers’ water-quality testing results for March are in, and of the 11 sites tested in the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico watersheds only one failed to meet recreational water-quality standards. “That’s good news, considering the weather is warming up and a lot more people are going to be on the water next week,” […]