Kansas City Council members failed to reach a consensus Thursday on whether to jumpstart the process to replace Police Chief Rick Smith, who will retire next year but whose current leadership continues to be fraught with controversy.
Morocco's draft 2022 budget was presented to the country's Finance and Economic Development Committee on 25 October, with the defence budget increasing by 4.77% on the 2021 defence budget. analysis of the Moroccan budget for the National Def.
Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Minahasa Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, membangun enam unit rumah warga masyarakat yang menjadi korban banjir bandang.
"Kami .
Jember (beritajatim.com) – Temuan adanya Rp 107,097 miliar dana penanganan Covid-19 semasa pemerintahan Bupati Faida yang tidak bisa dipertanggungjawabkan akan.