youngest chairman of the house budget committee. which brings us back to his budget plan. ryan sees it as a pivotal point in the 2012 election. we knew if we offer solutions, they were going to demagog the solutions but we feel that we have a moral and a legal obligation if we do not like the direction the president is taking we should do something. more importantly we have a law that says congress has to pass a budget by april 15th. we think we should follow the law. the senate for three years decided not to follow that law. the president has given us four budgets and never in one of the budgets has he proposed any solution to this fiscal crisis, so what they decided to do is offer no solutions of their own, wait for republicans to offer ours, and then divide, distract and distort. bret: the president was talking student loans and say you cut back on pell grants and said that republicans are
polls in illinois close in less than an hour. we are in countdown mode after a couple of bruising weeks on the campaign trail and two major losses to rick santorum, of course in alabama and mississippi. mitt romney has to prove he can seal the deal tonight. 69 delegates in the state. it is the second-largest delegate grab to date. to get to the magic number of 1,144 needed to clinch the nomination, mitt romney needs every win he can get. we ll go through the delegate map in a minute. it is a little more come plifktplifk pli krichlt. can romney made in-roads with traditional evangelicals and tea party supporters? we ll get all that information font from our exit poll. two, will santorum surprise? the latest poll actually shows rick santorum down by 14%. even if he wins a close second he could spin it as a win because he was so far behind when you looked at the actual poll data and he was outspent by romney 7-1 in the state. number three how low can you go? this is the
said they do not have to pass a budget. i have to call this one out and say this is just pandering in an election year. neil: wait, wait, wait, you think politicians pander? looking at this, they are trying to give themselves an out, saying reconciliation counts. if you sign on the dotted line you do not pass a budget you are not accepting a paycheck you are a hypocrite. guest: if you explain you are losing. if they are trying to get to the point of explaining this away, it is not right. to pass a budget by april 15th, when they are supposed to pass a budget, which is ironically tax day and both the house and senate need to do that but it does not look like it will happen this year and it has happen few years and normally it happens late if it does happen, at all.
not take it up this year. richard goodsteen doesn t see a double standard. they expect us to have our financial house in order. you get within a month of that yourself. yeah, i try. the fact is, neil, we didn t have a budget law until 1974 so it s not like it s etched in stone about getting a budget by april 15th. you ve seen in the time that you ve been on the air congress routinely miss these deadlines in 2003 and 2005. neil: republican democrats i m saying that at a time when they re hot to trot to penalize americans who are late, at least why don t you try to do the same? the only deadline that s analogous is the debt ceiling with the u.s. government assured it would meet obligations. there was a party line vote on that and democrats stepped up