bush, at least six years ago in january, had an approval rating of 43 percent, and everybody was talking about how unpopular he was with, you know, two wars underway and so forth. president obama s approval rating8& right now as you see on the screen stands at 40%, it s lower at point in his presidency than president bush s was back then, juan. well, that s exactly right. and so that s why senator hagan took the position that she did yesterday. e as you say, she says, oh, she was busy in washington and, obviously, there were some big votes on the budge yesterday, expanding it for three days so they can get a deal with the house, but it s also true mary landrieu down many louisiana also creating some distance, avoiding being seen with the president in state. again, what we re targeting here, jon, is independent voters. they re going to be the key to the 2014 midterms. and what you see is vulnerable democrats saying just for now with these numbers the way they