give them off from their job. they were both still doing their jobs while helping us out. gretchen: that s the whole point of the bike! brian: i think we could have given them 90 seconds off. gretchen: we re going to give them in 6 1/2 hours, we re going to give them free drinks. brian: we ll see. i will say, this i have a confession. last year was the bucking bull. gretchen: i got hurt. brian: i was on a long time. steve: yes, you were. brian: there was a reason why. gretchen: oh, gosh. brian: gave the guy 20 bucks. gretchen: you did not! brian: i gave the guy 20 bucks to make me look really good. steve: now you know the rest of the story. brian: right. gretchen: i got an injured hand on that damn bull now i m finding out there was a lot of bull on this! you gave him 20 bucks? brian: yeah, i cheated. it was a great year. gretchen: it s not the first time because you cheat every time we have a race outside in the nascar. brian: only if i m losing.
the jonas brothers. i m a big jonas brothers fan. and they re off. when the barrettes pull into the parking lot, the rodeo s chuck wagon event is getting under way inside the stadium. if you ve ever been close to these chuck wagons when they re racing, it s rumbling, there s a lot of noise, the horses are making noise, the rigs are jumping up and down and rattling. backstage, a bull named hardball is in his holding pen. hardball is a bucking bull. that night he was scheduled what we call a re-ride bull. on any given night, a cowboy may get a re-ride because of something, a bull doesn t buck or a horse falls down or it slams into the chute coming out. as the chuck wagons roar across the stadium, hardball s startled. he ran forward into a gate that was in front of him, pushed it forward and allowed a pin to come out of a gate that was beside him. the gate unlocks and hardball races out toward the exit. this surveillance video catches
i saw the bull and i froze because i didn t know what was going to happen. march 7th, 2010, houston, texas. the annual houston livestock show and rodeo is in full swing. it s an all-encompassing entertainment extravaganza it s a not for profit. it benefits youth education. the benefit has been going strong for more than 75 years. it s a texas tradition that features lone star staples like great music, down-home cooking, and, of course, a top-notch rodeo. we re the largest fair event in north america, the largest rodeo in the world. scott and denise barrett have been taking their 12-year-old daughter sarah marie to the event for years. on this date, sarah marie is especially excited for the headline music act. we went to the rodeo to watch
like to be tasered. it doesn t feel good. the bull charges the officer, missing him by inches. then when all hope seems lost, the cavalry arrives. the bull charges the officer, missing him by inches. then when all hope seems lost, the cavalry arrives. here comes the cowboy. he ll take care of this. watch this. here s a cowboy. in a scene straight out of an old western, three wranglers rush in on horseback. there was a lot of tension in the parking lot. are they going to be able to get him, are they going to be able to, you know, pull him back, you know, away from everyone. within seconds, one of the cowboys ropes hardball. they got that bull. they got that bull. if you don t have a cowboy on a horse with a rope, you can t control a raging bull. it just doesn t happen. a taser gun is not going to do the trick.
the bull by the tail to stop him, but when another person throws a cape to distract him, the bull charges and crushes several more people. frantic spectators leap from the stands into the bull ring for safety. after 15 terrifying minutes, stadium workers finally restrain the bull with ropes. it takes more than a dozen people to subdue the bull. miraculously, no one is killed during the incident. but the bull s rampage injures more than 30 people. five months earlier, another bull wreaks havoc stateside. a rodeo bull escapes from a stadium and runs wild in a parking lot filled with children.