requirement, except that figure includes a vast majority of beneficiaries with chronic mental or physical health conditions that could prevent them from holding a job and those findings have been replicated in surveys conducted nationwide. the kaiser family foundation identified 14% of all medicaid enrollees nationwide, 10 million, that could be affected by a mandatory work order. and of those 10 million, kaiser said most had legitimate reasons to be out of work. but about 300,000 of them, about 0.4 of 1% of all medicaid recipients could be pushed off of medicaid under a gop work mandate. even the conservative heritage foundation admits work requirements for medicaid wouldn t raise a significant amount of money. look, if republicans want to reform our public assistance, let s have that debate. but to do so on the false premise of saving a buck or, worse, paying for a tax plan that benefits the rich off the backs of the poor, that s just ugly. just a little clarity here.