bluntest possible terms, i think. what does it say to you that john birch society is back. after so many years in exile, aft con sir cysts had to contend with people who were gatekeepers in what counts as the main stream conservatism, what does it mean that they re gone. look at poor david fromm, someone who s a consequential guy, protege of buckley himself. he hates me. evicted from the movement. maybe he has his own conspiracy about you. they all do. but, yes, there are no serious ideas left on the right. we see who the great idea people are the ones who pretend to be. glenn beck and rush limbaugh and all the rest. this is about as good as it s getting now. they don t have a buckley or an irving crystal or somebody like that to call them out. there s another difference too, rachael. people like buck lowe and crystal thought part of the job of conservatism was to persuade