When Vitaliy Zhyvotovskyi closes his eyes, he sees captives wearing white bags over their heads just like the people that Russian troops led into his house at gunpoint.
Google has sent a warning shot across the world, ominously informing media outlets, bloggers, and content creators that it will no longer tolerate certain opinions when it comes to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Earlier this month, Google AdSense.
pen pain and she took a loan from a russian bank, she still needs to pay this loan. it was alone for presidential she acknowledge that. so, there is a dependence between marine le pen, and the russians however she was saying to our own defense i did that because the french bank didn t want to lend me on a. but again, that was a lot of people who were extremely worried about this russian dependence of presidential and as you may know emmanuel macron didn t have this dependents until now. he still trying to a dialogue with vladimir putin, at least until the bucha massacre, he was trying to call putin s book several times with president putin, so he s trying to do something here to make sure that what they will