That you couldnt havE On NEtwork TElEvIsIOn. PEoplElE arE REalllly Tryg tO Do O SomEthIng advEnturou. [both gasp] Alall ChannElEl 7, ShamE E On. ThIs Is morErE a cElEbrbratIOn of C CulturE and opEnIng thE doors and allowIng amErIca to ComE On I InsIdE. ThErEs alwayS SomEthIng On tElEvIsIOn, and sosomE of It May B bE bEr than WE E dEsErvE. [laughs]s] that wasas cool. [d[dramatIc musIc] lIstEn to It. Oh [crowd chEErIng] ThEy Know whEn It hIts tHE Bottom, Itll bE 1990. GoodbyE to thE 80s In. All tEn, nInE. All EIght. EIEIght EIghtht EIght oh whEn ThE 90s bEgIn,Ear wErE startIng to sEE A Lolot of ExpErErImEntatIOn. [gununshots] all l [quIckly]y] sEvEn, sIsIx, four, ththrEE, two, OnE [chEErInIng] and d thE sImpsOns, I thInk, In n somE sEnsEsEs was InspIrEd by not nEcEssarIly a hatrEd of tElEvIsIsIOn but a dIstrurust of a lot of ThthE Ways In WhIchch TElEvIsIoIOn was talkIng toto us. Tv r rEspEcts mEmE. It l laughs wIthth mE, nOnot at mE. [laughIng]g] you stupId doh I thInk k thE SItcomoms O
Of its b besT Work whehen It Wa bending genre. Take something thatats fafamiliar and givive Sosome Chili P Pepper Advertisi is based on one thing, happiness is there any taboo that You Wouldnt break out ifif There E was a funnnny ideaea, Ws Wrwrong with you. Theres so mucuch Differen Storytelliling and so o many Difffferent Storories being G T Abouout so many Y Differenent P. I dont think dramatic Seseries Televevision has s even strongnger. Theheres s no longer r this Ththeory O of what popular entertainment must be. Job who are the heroes, the People Who watch thiS Show this is the week when the major Broadcast Networks unveiled their Fault Lineup of shows and every executive in hollywood knows how well the sopranos is doing Onon Cable W which is a a network prproblem. I think hbo altered everything for this reason alone, is there were no commercials. We are dependent on sponsors, right . There is soso much w We Can do i in Terms Ofo Languauage in n terms of V Viol Inin terms oF F se
we re e back with h martha stet onon this editition of lararryg live. we go to nashville, tennessee. hello. my question is, what do you feel is the biggest misconception the pupublic has a about you? > we re backck w with march stewart on larry king live. what is the biggest misconception the public has about you? i think there have been so many misrepresentations. whahat is thehe biggest miscononception. meanyny. > meany? > i m a sofofty. t there like her. there is a all this fefear, ad loathingng, and angeger, whichs directeded to you. i find i it amongstt my own f friends, either thehey worship p you or y say, t that woman makes me craz. when you think of her generation, it s ironic. she e made this s empire ididolizing anand perfectitg what her generation of women were trying to leave behind. how did you get into this, for want of a better term, bag, martha stewart s shtick? i had been a caterer, before that a stockbroker. do you miss the world of stock ex
Christmas s is. Well, its Aboutut The Best E Ofof the wholele year. [tom] nono matter whwhen they e plplace, moderern era or p p, Christstmas Movieses and televen specials a are always s about someone e who has Lolost Theieir faith inin humankind, reregaining itit, saved byy other Pepeople Beingng kind because itits christmtmas. [chrhris] christmas s is the lanandsce that e everybody w wants to p. Eveveryone whoho tells Stots Isis Attracteded to the e Heighteneded Emotionss that it t brings. [aisha] Noststalgia Playays such a a huge partrt in Christss Bebecause it i is part of fo many peoples s childhoodsds. And bebeing able t to go back d relilive those f feelings evever by Watatching Holiliday moviess justst. Joy. [phil]l] a christmtmas story is one of f the best m movies at nostalgia,a, family anand chris. J jingle belllls, jingle e be, jingle a all the Wayay A Christmamas Story , i wawatch it evevery year at leaeast twice. Its. Lik, the e script of f my life. Can we e go now . Caca
- you burned a holee in my papants. - ooh! - and d we re gonnnna be pals, riright? - ooh! - there s one guy who s out of control and one guy trying to sasay, calalm down. - do youou ever disasagree on materiaial? - no.. - yeah.. - the audience wants to feel that they re loose and d having funun. - and d we are really y able to f fake fun anand loosenes. - yeahah. [sweeping orchchestral music] [quirky music] - hey,y, how do yoyou - - there s a a bomb! - alall right, n now - - i actuallyly grew up as a k kid on comemedy teams. that s the way i learned about comedy, was comedy teams. - hey, heyey, psh, heyey, ps, hehey, psh. mimichelle puhuh-feifers.. - michelelle puh-feieifers. - michellele puh-feifef! - cocomedy teamsms are depent upon harmony. that harmomony blends s into onone voice. that s like, wow. - - i think chchemistry isis,, somebodydy that you u re secue enenough with h that you c cae playful.l. you re kinind of deligighted inin being witith them and so it