central television. it means that npfrr is not thate different from the tehran times ,with the exception, ofhappen course, being lessed accurate and more anti-american. yo so that happened on tuesday. why are we telling you. chan abt with all the momentous changes underway around the world, whyy would we open a showab with a story about twittergorizing categorizing npr as state media will ? because it s true. reaso that s the reason.n. finally, thankfully, somebodyd in authority has told the truth about something and that is thrilling to see on its own terms. in a world defined by lies froms our leaders. this seemedig like a rare sis of hope and progress. up telling the truth is the mostms revolutionary act of all, far more than taking up arms. and yet you rarely see it. human beings created language or to describe the world around them more precisely than they could with , say, grunting sign language. ng o beeurnn evly, we have national publi own creatioern ever since, b
a pair of mass shootings in state to state to build his bona fide bss going into twenty , twenty four . nothing about this is surprising. everythings is about this is infuriating. the second amendment s becoming licide pactsecond a. okay, if that guy s: okay the democrats post biden plan ds b , they re in trouble. po leaders take charge and when necessary, they take responsibilityd when. he takes aoes he do? he takes lowbrow pot shots. when h e wasn t blaming the second amendment to the constitution, he was gaslinend the first attacking the freefrep press. well, the onresse network that consistently hold him accountable tell an abc affiliate in california that it s a disgrace. whatcalifo we say at fox every . he said there s xenophobia, racl there s racial priming, whatever . that is what they ve doner thaet is. de crime and violence in this country. what xenophobia, racial priming. newsom immediately tried to tie the attacks to right wing trumpt supporterstacks and of co
so most people see bees as pests and want to kill themlf as quickly as they can. d dennis lengua of orlando,if florida, hasferentapproa a veryt approach. he is a humane bee removal expert.know he s been as the been doing it r more than a decade. he s known as the bee guy. he joins us to explain why he takes this approach. dennis, thanks so mucu reh fr coming on . well, i se se i see you re protected. so what people see bs, they want to spray in with the t can of poison and kill them. wh y should they not do that?o rewell, two reasons. no. one is, as a homeowner, the last thing you want to do is leave a bees nest inside your structure. it ll cause more problems than you could ever imagine. and the other reason is because they re honey bees. d relo and so rather than having them killed, there s a beekeeper that would happily remove and relocate those bees. and we do that all day, every day. so how do you i mean, i m just assuming the bees don t want to be gentrified and move to
of low expectations move to the back of the political bus. well,e horace,po the established the gop establishment has always kind of shied away from the cultural issues. they call it the cultural war. but i mean, desantis didn t start this. they started it. right. so he s just responding to it.o. the establishment, they don but the establishment, t. they don t like that. they like to talk abouto ttal interest rates or the debt or maybe war in ukraine. but thesin ukraine. e are the issues, aree core they not, that are the the core of what s happening to our, families and to our kids learning to hate the country. everything s unfair. everybody s a victim and in to seeeverybody to sees that. asd it takes guts to tackle this. bu thet as a college board decin showed, he was right. what the progressives have poisoned america s culture and american families and people like desantis or providea a radical chemotherapyy
there s like a couple people dem getting laid off from twitter. biden fired millionsoc of them. these democrats didn t care.. they said good riddance. he laid how many keystonene workers bubby biden wants to put exxon mobil outf ofe do business. how many people do they employ? bu thet a couple lives that wens to grad school with purple haicr can t get like, you know, fifty dollar salmon filets anymore at lunch. and they re like, oh, my god, we got to investigate this guyht literally. yeah. he s just trying to turn a profit and create a culture of winning. imagine capital . imagine that. all right, jessica, wrap it up. so i think jesse hasn t met anyone who works at twittert twt based on that description.tet de yeah, it was thousands of people who lost their jobs. l thousands of people arose going to quit over this hard core thing. and ng ovehard core work ethic r whatever . the thing that work orwhatever whatever . but you want to be a hard worker. all right.. thank you. you re w