Belo Sun Mining Corp (TSE:BSX – Get Rating) Director Rui Botica Santos bought 300,000 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, June 13th. The stock was purchased at an average price of C$0.07 per share, with a total value of C$19,500.00. Belo Sun Mining Trading Down 7.7 % Belo Sun Mining stock traded […]
Boston Scientific Co. (NYSE:BSX – Get Rating) EVP Wendy Carruthers sold 11,671 shares of Boston Scientific stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, June 15th. The shares were sold at an average price of $53.24, for a total transaction of $621,364.04. Following the sale, the executive vice president now directly owns 72,847 shares in […]
Bradley Foster & Sargent Inc. CT raised its stake in Boston Scientific Co. (NYSE:BSX – Get Rating) by 0.3% in the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The fund owned 838,422 shares of the medical equipment provider’s stock after purchasing an additional 2,549 shares […]
Marshall Wace LLP lessened its stake in shares of Boston Scientific Co. (NYSE:BSX – Get Rating) by 42.3% during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The fund owned 5,822,013 shares of the medical equipment provider’s stock after selling 4,268,346 shares during […]