Social media platform TikTok said on Thursday it is in the early stages of exploring a chatbot called "Tako" that can converse with users about short videos and help them discover content, and is conducting tests with select users in the Philippines.
Canadian oil sands production is expected to reach 3.7 million barrels per day by 2030, S&P Global said on Thursday, raising the analytics firm's 2030 production outlook for the country for the first time in half a decade.
A Missouri man who drove a rented box truck into security barriers near the White House was charged with threatening the president after what authorities appear to believe was a deliberate crash.
Australia said on Monday the government will take further steps in response to the leak of government tax plans by accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and that the matter could be referred to the Australian Federal Police.
Investors would be mad to ignore AI's spectacular results, but when it comes to broader applications, they should tread carefully, columnist Felix Martin writes.