"There is no point going to Ayodhya with the BJP. We (members) did not get an invitation for the consecration ceremony. Even the Speaker was not invited to the January 22 ceremony," SP national general secretary Shivpal Singh Yadav told reporters when asked whether his party legislators will go to Ayodhya on February 11.
Police have arrested a Samajwadi Party leader for threatening to burn an Uttar Pradesh minister and his house following a clash where the SP leader accused Dalit corporators from opposition parties of being beaten in a board meeting of the Meerut Municipal Corporation. A video of the statement surfaced on social media, showing SP leader Mukesh Siddharth making the controversial statement.
India News: Senior SP functionary IP Singh criticizes DMK MP DNV Senthilkumar's comments on Hinduism and demands a strict law to protect the dignity of the religi