he writes, brzezinski would have been appalled but not surprised by the results of trump s group of seven meeting on saturday after which german chancellor angela merkel said the era when america could rely on american leadership was over. brzezinski s worries about trump grew out of his belief in the interdependent world that the united states had made. having seen western values and freedoms crushed in poland, he was protective of them. trump s populism was abhorrent to this son of polish aristocracy. but it wasn t just that. brzezinski didn t think trump understood what a precious creation he was jeopardizing by so wrerecklessly challenging th institutions of the west. there was a lot of fallout about that foreign trip. in a tweet president trump talked about his trip being a great trip.
we are still talking about abbey with meacham and mary crawford. thank you, mary. do you know veep is great. i can t wait to see him. dr. brzezinski didn t let them watch tv growing up. i don t have a lot of time on my hands. turn on the film projector at night. let s look at what i have said together. they would chew on beet roots and watch the day s performances. finger paint organically? exactly. i would like to do news if i could. don t do too much. occupy wall street protesters are looking to start again after a quiet winter. they plan to join other organizations to mark