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OLD BRIDGE – Cars filled with students and parents filed onto the Old Bridge High School campus to experience a winter wonderland complete with music, photos and holiday lights.
Nearly 20 teachers from the high school set up the display, featuring a tunnel with about 100 staff members dressed for the holidays during “Light Up the Knight,” a socially distant holiday celebration held on Dec. 21. The staff members waved to their students and shouted holiday greetings as they passed by. In addition, a large screen displayed videos of Old Bridge High School (OBHS) teachers waving to the students.
At the end of the of the light displays, Santa Claus stood 30 feet above the ground inside an Old Bridge fire truck’s bucket, where he waved and shouted to the crowds.
Old Bridge PBA supports freshman recently diagnosed with AML
Old Bridge PBA supports freshman recently diagnosed with AML
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Old Bridge PBA Local 127 President Vincent Galgano and member Steve McCauley joined a holiday theme drive-by on Dec. 13 for Old Bridge High School freshman Bryce Lomas.
Bryce was recently diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a type of cancer of the blood and bone marrow with excess immature white blood cells. Bryce will be undergoing constant blood transfusions and platelets to keep him alive.
To put a smile on Bryce s face during this difficult time, the PBA presented him with an Uber Eats gift card.PHOTOS COURTESY OF PBA PRESIDENT VINCENT GALGANO