jana hickman, who had rushed to the bryans home that night, was outside with becky and remembered hearing this not long after the crime. i heard her just say that something about it would be hard to sell the house because he had died in the house. did that sound really callous to you? being a realtor, i could see her thinking about that. it was a little odd, i thought. at the hospital some friends noticed that becky was agitated one minute, eerily calm the next. she wasn t emotional, she was pretty calm, talking to different people. whenever we met her, she was very calm. too calm? i anticipated her needing comfort, and i went to hug her, and she just kind of held her arms down straight and didn t seem to need that type of consoling. and instead of sticking close to keith s bedside in his last hours, they thought it was
which would have been very, very telling. i mean, there are just things that would have given us reasonable doubt. the defense told the jury investigators all but ignored any evidence that pointed to an intruder. becky s neighbor came to court with that story about the suspicious handyman he had seen in the neighborhood and the truck spotted speeding around the night keith was shot. it was something that we felt maybe the perpetrator had been canvassing the area or maybe spying on what was going on in the neighborhood. and another witness testified he told police at the time he saw a truck matching the one becky described driving aggressively near the bryans the night of the shooting. that was the key to the case. he had a person in a matching truck speeding, driving erratically, that had come up on him and almost hit a vehicle all within blocks. but the statement that witness gave investigators only surfaced a few weeks before trial. they didn t follow up on it. there were
that perhaps this intruder was looking for a different fireman. and why would anyone think that? not far from the bryans home in mustang lived the oklahoma city fire chief. his name? keith bryant, bryan with a t at the end. the whole keith bryant theory, that maybe they got the wrong fire chief? you know, that did not occur to me until i got to the hospital and that s the first time somebody had brought up maybe mistaken identity. the buzz reached roger straka back at the firehouse. that story did come out, that possibly the person that done this got the wrong chief. it could have been anyone s theory as to what had happened. surely the oklahoma city chief hired and fired many more people than keith did. had the shooter been angry with him? a friend reached him by phone. he was safe and sound at a
department, there was another possibility, one that neighbors of the bryans wondered about. keith often did projects on the house. was the killer someone who wanted a construction job and didn t get it? one neighbor told police that a few weeks earlier, a stranger had been driving around asking for work as a handyman. he said the man had a funny face and drove an old pickup truck, he also remembered seeing a similar truck the night of the shooting. are you interviewing neighbors? are you asking people if they saw anyone suspicious in the neighborhood, if they saw a truck in the neighborhood? yes, all of that was going on. what were they yielding? anything? very little. very little. then among the firefighters and their wives, a third entirely different idea was bandied about. no one is sure who said it first, but soon some were wondering out loud if keith hadn t been the intended target at all. there was a theory out there
keith bryan was oklahoman to the core. proudly raised in the sooner state. he married his wife becky at 19, and they settled in mustang. pam woodard, an old friend of keith s, rolled out the welcome mat for the bryans when they moved to town. they became an integral part of our church, very active, very grounded, very helpful. they had two boys. trent and kent. becky was a good mom from what i could tell. she was a good mom. keith worked as a fireman, his dream job in the well-to-do oklahoma city enclave of nichols hills. jerry hamilton served alongside keith, and if the firemen were like brothers, the wives were lake sisters, says terry s wife kim. with the fire department, it is all families together. keith had a good sense of humor. he was outgoing.