Bryan Sheppard, who won a lawsuit to obtain Department of Justice records, said the government knew more than a decade ago that other individuals may have been involved.
Newly released government documents involving a 1988 arson fire that killed six Kansas City firefighters affirm the guilt of five people who were convicted of the crime but also find that two other individuals may have been involved.
Asked if that meant the office is reviewing the case, Mike Mansur, a spokesman for the Jackson County Prosecutor's Office, said he could not comment further. The statement was issued after news surfaced about Justice Department records, which were released through court order, that show investigators found new information a decade ago to suggest that two.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) A man who spent nearly 22 years in prison after six Kansas City firefighters died in an explosion in 1988 has been awarded more than $344,000 in legal fees from a lawsuit he filed against the federal government.