Is Dialysis a Test Case of Medicare for All? (Ep. 457)
April 7, 2021 @ 11:00pm Listen now:
Kidney failure is such a catastrophic (and expensive) disease that Medicare covers treatment for anyone, regardless of age. Since Medicare reimbursement rates are fairly low, the dialysis industry had to find a way to tweak the system if they wanted to make big profits. They succeeded.
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On last week’s episode, we asked whether the U.S. healthcare system is really as messed up as people think.
Zack COOPER: Oh, I think absolutely the U.S. health system is as messed up as people think it is, probably more so.
death. oo a. 59-year-old man./ innwooolaan. few details./ áábutáá - police. found the maa./ fronttlawnn.. of a home./ p on./ woodmoor road. justtafter 7 a.m..// áátheááá identiiy. of the man./ or. how he died. is unknown. one . day. after a ocial sscurity wooker is shot./, áápoliceáá. makk an arrest .// garr. stokes./ faces.// several. charggs./ áattemptedá. first-degree assault. and. armed robbery..// áápoliceáá saa. tte worker..was ssot./ monday.// inn.a robbery attempt ./ on. walden circle./.ááheáá. walked. o parallel drive./,, and. collapsed. near the social securiiy administration./ campus..//// ááhe sáá. in. good condition. with a gun, sexually assaulted and tried tt rape a johns hopkins student. &pstudent. as crime aad justic us. students are beeng policeesay early saturday morning a maa approached.. a student walking home. he &ptold the hopkins tudent. h was armeddwith a guu. 3 it happened here in this &palley which sits in the shadows of st