IF I WERE GUARDING the gates of heaven, I’d let in all the cinematographers, no questions asked. They toil for such piddling rewards here on Earth. No matter how transcendent their efforts, they answer to a director who may or may not know anything about lenses or color grading but gets the bulk of the credit either way. On the rare occasion that a cinematographer receives some mainstream attention, it’s usually because there’s something showoff-y about the work: Emmanuel Lubezki’s look-ma-no-cuts trickery for Birdman, say, or Roger Deakins’s for 1917, which transplants roughly the same technique
There Are Only 13 Near-Perfect War Movies According To Metacritic
There Are Only 13 Near-Perfect War Movies According To Metacritic Summit Entertainment
By Zoë Z. Dean/May 18, 2021 4:17 pm EDT/Updated: May 18, 2021 4:17 pm EDT War movies sound like they would all have a lot in common, but the top-rated ones on Metacritic prove the genre is wider and deeper than you might think. Not all the movies are even about soldiers. Some of the best films on this list take place on the edges of war, looking at what happens to spies or even displaced civilians. Some tackle war directly, making it their primary subject, and some only use it as a catalyst to look at people in a crisis. But all these films hit hard and stay with us.