The High Court on Monday ordered for Hamzah bin Pehin Orang Kaya Kesuma Dato Paduka Haji Ali to immediately serve his three-year jail sentence after shooting down the appeal. Hamzah was found guilty by Magistrate Hajah Ervy Sufitriana binti Haji Abdul Rahman and handed the sentence. Prosecutor Ahmad Firdaus Mohammad’s case against Hamzah which the […]
Judicial Officer Nur Sariy Shahmina binti Haji Jaffri will hand down a sentence to a local today who pleaded guilty to three charges of theft. Prosecutor Nurulatikah binti Haji Husaini’s charges against 39-year-old Reduan bin Japar states that he had stolen a car from a house in Kampong Kiulap sometime during the wee hours between […]
Acting Senior Magistrate Dewi Norlelawati binti Haji Abdul Hamid stated yesterday that receiving instructions from TikTok is not an acceptable excuse for committing theft and sentenced Mohammad Ibhnu Yakob @ Mohammad Abdul Rahman bin Mohaimin, 31, to a year in jail for his involvement in theft. The man justified his actions by claiming he received […]