(Archived document, may contain errors) THIRTY MYTHS ABOUT NICARAGUA by W. Bruce Weinrod I am pleased to have the'opportunity today to discuss the U.S. and Nicaragua. Whatever one's policy conclusions concerning the U.S. roley it seems to me that it is important to reach those conclusions with a clear understanding of the facts.
(Archived document, may contain errors) U.S. EXPORT POLICY AND NATIONAL SECURITY A Discussion with Senator John Heinz Plican, and Stephen D. Bryen Director, Defense Technology Security Administration M oderated by W. Bruce Weinrod The Lehrman Auditorium The Heritage Foundation July 29, 1987
I don’t often use my column to tout a specific book, but this volume is an exception that is really worth your time. My friend Arnold Steinberg has written a wise, engrossing history of modern conservatism, “Whiplash! From JFK to Donald Trump, a Political Odyssey.” It traces the author’s journey from a preteen supporter of John F. Kennedy to a prodigal and integral figure in American conservatism.