Martins Ferry City Council members are focused on fiscal worries and how to save money. The topic led the discussion during a regular meeting Wednesday. City finances have figured heavily in recent council debates, including the need to increase receipts and cut spending. Auditor Jack Regis addressed council and reported on efforts to find savings. […]
MARTINS FERRY City Council member are focused on fiscal worries and how to save money. The topic led the discussion during a regular meeting Wednesday. Cit
It’s “crunch time” in the Purple City, Auditor Jack Regis Sr. told City Council members on Wednesday. “We’ve got to increase our receipts somehow,” Regis said. He said there are three ways to do that: increase mayor’s court receipts, increase income tax revenue or make cuts. “I’m not saying there’s going to be cuts immediately, […]
MARTINS FERRY In an effort to raise additional revenue, City Council is considering the reduction of an income tax credit that currently benefits some res