Students of the Western International High School sailed from the helm, learned about the history of Detroit, and even caught a jellyfish while looking for plankton.
Students of the Western International High School sailed from the helm, learned about the history of Detroit, and even caught a jellyfish while looking for plankton.
Outcheat the Cheat ChatGPT has become the go-to cheating tool for lousy students. And that potentially means trouble for the essay ghostwriters that cash in on the hundreds of thousands of college students willing to eschew academic integrity for a better grade, reports The Walrus. Indeed, OpenAI's blockbuster chatbot, and generative AIs in general, may […]
Every state has its good side, like the weather, the tourist locations, like Gatlinburg or Nashville, and its people. It also has a bad side that doesn't always make the conversation: The people. Not all, but a select few that leave a dark mark on the state's history.