Has the kind of discipline, the kind of intellectual rigor to unpack the complexity of the industries and then figured out what the Public Policies needs to flow from. My question is this. I used left fairly often and what i find depressing is often the guy thats driving is very highly qualified but hasnt to me the operationalization of what youre talking about here is how to get people educated with the right tools so they dont become to janitors in West Virginia but they become contributors to this new economy. Have you thought about that i have come its called the most important job youll ever have and the most important job youll ever have is being a parent. I wouldnt pretend to be a parenting guru and my children here today would remind me. But what i do is take the voices and perspectives of the people in the book and i ask them all the same questions what will todays kids need to make it in tomorrows economy so theres a full treatment of that. Now that of course doesnt relate to