the beautiful wife something crazy about her. but an ill wind will blow through paradise. kennel dogs were very upset. it was huge ruckus. i knew my heart something terrible had happened. we heard the dog trainer gone? a trail of sinister clues. there was three wet blood spots in the hallway. there is also its of ammunition and guns and firearms on magnets behind tapestries. firearms injuries over his house. he has his arms around a big role of plastic in my brain goes there is a body. can anyone put it all together and sniff out the truth? what did that say to you? it s a lot to me. october 28, 2009, october 28th 2009. routine call middle of the day. a routine call from any other day. this batch that is what car talk to two ladies. what was it they said? two cars where they shouldn t be? someone moving something bulky from one to the other? back when it started lovebird should ve known, probably, that it was too good to be true. or to get to last anyw
villain the prosecution seemed determined to portray. what we have is a man who has, on his own, raise a very successful it became, shall we say the theme. michael oakes, single father for, grandfather of one. well spoken, mild mannered, and certainly not any ordinary salesperson. oakes admitted is a recognized expert in close quarters combat. knows firearms so well he s written numerous articles for gun magazines. has even trained police swat teams. but has no criminal record and insisted brown isn t a murder. still, he must have done something to mark stover, didn t he? now here s where it all began to get tricky. if stover was really dead said john henry brown and if the prosecution could prove they killed him. then and only, then oakes might provide an explanation.