they tried to punish her for dising the governor. but sam brown back is apologizing. the student saga began last week when sullivan, seen here, attended a youth in government program and during the kansas governor s talk tweeted this scalding or, shut up greg. just made mean comments and he blows a lot. his office that monitors social media why would you do that? the 18-year-old said he spent an hour in the principal s office and wrote an apology to brown beck. brown beck released a statement saying, quote, my disaf overreacted to the
could uh mass the amount she did while he remains at an anemic 3,000. i started to read the tweets. they are awful. he wrote, governor brown beck ring the classic pheasant hunt. i am intrigued. otherwise even that one is boring. that s actually him with a hooker. i change my mind. awful thing to say. on that note we will break. do you have a comment on the show? if i was your brother you wouldn t have made is it past 3. e-mail us the a red eye at fox news .com. there would have been an accident in the well. where is little paul? run down to the well and everybody would be crying. to leave a voicemail on my direct line call 212-460-5050. is that you acting because
it is very, very warm in here, andy. i guess i m cutoff now. great job, people. i m back. well done, everybody. let s welcome our guests. we have no air conditions and no return and apparently no control room. she s so hot she has three middle name, stop, drop and roll. i am here with ann coulter, conservative commentator, columnist and author. her latest book is called demonic, the untold story of shirley temple. and his family celebrates the 12 days of litmas. it is paul mccurio. look at what he is wearing. and if we feed him from the table he won t touch the dry food in his bowl. it is bill schulz. and he is sharper than a gilliten wearing a tuxedo during brain surgery, sitting next to me, the legendary john gibson. host of the john gibson show named after john gibson. weekdays at noon, you better tune in. and his future is murky because he talks too much turkey. good to see you, pinch. this weekend op-ed columnist writes of the, quote, enduring cult of kennedy
start your stupid show with your stupid rolled up sleeves, greg. it is very, very warm in here, andy. i guess i m cutoff now. great job, people. i m back. well done, everybody. let s welcome our guests. we have no air conditions and no return and apparently no control room. she s so hot she has three middle name, stop, drop and roll. i am here with ann coulter, conservative commentator, columnist and author. her latest book is called demonic, the untold story of shirley temple. and his family celebrates the 12 days of litmas. it is paul mccurio. look at what he is wearing. and if we feed him from the table he won t touch the dry food in his bowl. it is bill schulz. and he is sharper than a gilliten wearing a tuxedo during brain surgery, sitting next to me, the legendary john gibson. host of the john gibson show named after john gibson. weekdays at noon, you better tune in. and his future is murky because he talks too much turkey. good to see you, pinch. this wee
in some of the latest developments on capitol hill today, harry reid is tentatively endorsing a deal to raise the government s debt ceiling and cut spending. there is a new agreement on the table. it includes enough borrowing authority to keep the government funded into 2013 it would include an immediate hike in the debt limit with the second increase to be accompanied by trillions of dollars in future spending cuts. phased in over a decade. the senate right now is in recess. earlier there was a vote to move forward with another bill, supported by majority leader reid, but that bill did not get enough votes to continue in the senate. in the house members voted the reid measure down yesterday. members had gaveled back in for a very brief pro forma session earlier before adjourning until 10:00 a.m. eastern time. and they ll have legislative business tomorrow at noon. bring youinue to updates here on the c-span networks. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011]