SULLIVAN COUNTY, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — A non-profit organization that works to feed children in need in Sullivan is in dire need of donations. The Brown Baggers School Food Program started in Project Director Kay Brewer’s home and served just seven children, but has since grown to help 336 children across Sullivan, Green, and Clay counties. [.]
14th & Chestnut Community Center, from 14th & Chestnut Community Center Endowment Fund and Col. Peter Baer Memorial Fund
American Cancer Society, Vigo County Unit, from Earl and Hazel Travioli Charitable Endowment Fund
American Heart Association, from Earl and Hazel Travioli Charitable Endowment Fund
ARC of Vigo County, from ARC of Vigo County Endowment Fund
Archdiocese of Indianapolis – United Catholic Appeal, from Mary Kindrick Memorial Fund and Pfister Fund
Area 7 Agency on Aging and Disabled, from Area 7 Agency on Aging and Disabled Endowment Fund
Art Spaces, Inc., from Art Spaces Endowment Fund
Boy Scouts of America, Crossroads of America Council, from Boy Scouts of America,