Brough Lodge Trust St Olaf’s Hall, Church Road, Lerwick, ZE1 0FD Reg. Scottish Charity SC 028725 Provision of Planning and Co-ordination Services Invitation to Tender Brough Lodge Trust oversees the management of the ShetlandPeerieMakkers project,.
KNITTING tuition in Shetland’s primary schools is set to get underway once again after the summer holidays following a two-year break due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The ShetlandPeerieMakkers project aims to keep the skills and tradition of hand knitting alive by offering.
A FURTHER seven grants totalling £16,900 have been given out by Shetland Community Benefit Fund.
The fund distributes community benefit money paid out by the developer of the Viking Energy wind farm.
The largest award is for the Brough Lodge Trust on Fetlar, which received £10,000.
The island’s community council supported the grant for an outline design and 3D model that will be used in the making of a promotional video to attract investors and other funders.
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The trust’s aim is to create high-quality visitor accommodation linked to cultural ‘retreats’, particularly on subjects such as knitwear and music.