just actually have to remain patient, unfortunately and suffer. you know? and that s what trump enjoys. he revels in it. you know, i want to play i think what you re saying is so poignant. he does seem to revel in suffering and find it sort of fun, a bit fun but i cannot tell, i don t know if you feel like you can tell, i don t know if any of these members in congress ever bothered to talk to you. i know it was difficult to get them to face you and talk with you at the time but i want to play for you, this is a fellow brother officer of the late officer sicknick harry dunn. he was asked how it feels to continue to work in a space with members of congress who are ignoring the insurrection. doing your job as a police officer, you look at what is important and how the mission of your job is. the person is not important but
he might have been more inclined to pull someone over for an air freshener, but she wouldn t have been so inclined dplrks imprurks she had to back him up once the stop was made. i think it was effective for the defense. that may be because i m a jaded defense attorney, but i think pretextual stops are front of mind for a lot of folks. it makes her appear that look, she wasn t driving around looking to pull over young black men for air fresheners. that wasn t her view, but once the stop was made, she backed up her brother officer, and participated in the stop and worked as we will see, i m sure she will elicit again, was only looking to protect her brother and sister officers. danny, i understand you re saying no, this helps her, but if you re sitting in that jury and finding out normally wouldn t have done this and you re a training officer, why did you go along with it? does that not introduce that issue? it does. it does. but it is while she would not
entry into the united states. the mother spoke to reuters. one of the things she told them is they were under the impression if you travel with a child, you have a better chance of gaining entry into the country. she was encouraged to do this by neighbors. she said lots of them have gone with children and managed to cross. even if they are held for a month or two. it is statements that critics say is the problem. it incentivizes bringing children across the border. you are not automatically deport deported. often times family members go free while immigration proceedings are pending. christine and joe, back to you. dan, thank you for that. police in newman, california pursuing a suspect who shot and killed a brother officer. the murder the president is latching on to. the corporal was gunned down during the traffic stop on wednesday morning.
how does a citizen advise an officer that he has a lawfully possessed firearm? because you hear the tone in the voice as you said, it was calm. the police officer doesn t warn his brother officer who you can see in the video across from the car. instead he puts his hand on his firearm and within seconds pulls and shoots multiple fires multiple shots. it really raises the question as on a broader scale how we are going to address lawful gun ownership and lawful possession in a motor vehicle when you re stopped for a motor vehicle violation. we have to look towards the future and how we re going to deal with these kinds of encounters. i guess what you could have done with hindsight, the police officer could have said, once he said he has a gun, raise your hands and come out of the car. and simply like that, and then they could have reviewed the driver s license, the insurance forms, and all of that. exactly. this was a horrible incident
case, this is an officer who, yes, was sitting in the passenger s seat. his brother officer was the one driving the car that brought him so close to tamir rice in the first place. and that i think is part of why mcginty is calling this an unfortunate set of circumstances, because the shooting officer was not the one that brought him within seven feet of tamir rice. but even all of that aside, you know, i have to dissent respectfully with joey jackson when he says people are demanding a more transparent process. this is the grand jury system. it was never designed to be transparent. if we don t like that as a citizenry, we need to change it. but if we are disappointed in the grand jury process because it s not transparent, it was never designed to be. we re not talking as to whether or not we re surprised danny. joey. we re talking about the process of mcginty bringing the matter before the grand jury. the fact is that the local prosecutor should divorce himself from tha