we with we cut spending and increase taxes. the bush tax cuts didn t work. they didn t work. they said he d create 2.5 million or 5 million. he created only 2.5 million. his policies didn t work. you want to go back to something that put us in a whole. it put us in a whole. you live in an alternative universe. i don t. i didn t vote for obama the second time. but he won again. why? because too many people get government bchts at someone else s cost. 51%. you have no platform at all. there is no way to speak to the youth. all you do is call names. that s it. when we come back, hannity happy candy. i will guzzle it. media mash and an appeals court over turned former house majority leader tom delay s 2010 conviction. h s next live for his first television interview since the news broke this morning. you probably won t see it on the new york times front page tomorrow. we want to hear from you on
we with we cut spending and increase taxes. the bush tax cuts didn t work. they didn t work. they said he d create 2.5 million or 5 million. he created only 2.5 million. his policies didn t work. you want to go back to something that put us in a whole. it put us in a whole. you live in an alternative universe. i don t. i didn t vote for obama the second time. but he won again. why? because too many people get government bchts at someone else s cost. 51%. you have no platform at all. there is no way to speak to the youth. all you do is call names. that s it. when we come back, hannity happy candy. i will guzzle it. media mash and an appeals court over turned former house majority leader tom delay s 2010 conviction. h s next live for his first television interview since the news broke this morning. you probably won t see it on the new york times front page tomorrow. we want to hear from you on
in eight short years. every president before him, all their debt accumulated, he will have the exact same debt. no. okay. the truth will set you not true. you are enslaved. what are we going to go to then. billy cunningham what do we do then? a five -year balanced budget. rand paul has it right. this morning, rand unfunded liabilities. people of your ilk. get your finger out of my face. people of your ilk will ruin this country. your use of america this is a disaster coming your way. you re playing games with it. hannity and i know this is not a game. people like you are help ing destairway the country fiscally. grow up. grow up? grow up. how do we sustain that?
a dire speech about the dangers of raising the debt. he said, quote, the fact that we are here today to debate raising america s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. it is a sign that the u.s. government cannot pay uh its own bills. our federal debt increased by $3.5 trillion to $8.6 trillion. that s trillion, with a t. this rising debt is a hidden domestic enemy. what happened to that guy? here to debate the hypocrisy, radio, tv, talk show host, billy cunningham. from the fox news channel tamara holder. raising the debt ceiling doesn t increase the debt. what do you got there? hannity happy candy. what is that? they re happy candies. the reason why i brought these is the last time yeah ? you should try one.
in eight short years. every president before him, all their debt accumulated, he will have the exact same debt. no. okay. the truth will set you not true. you are enslaved. what are we going to go to then. billy cunningham what do we do then? a five -year balanced budget. rand paul has it right. this morning, rand unfunded liabilities. people of your ilk. get your finger out of my face. people of your ilk will ruin this country. your use of america this is a disaster coming your way. you re playing games with it. hannity and i know this is not a game. people like you are help ing destairway the country fiscally. grow up. grow up? grow up. how do we sustain that?