in, they have been put on alert. if you are suspicious of an envelope or package or something coming in that would be suspect, bring it to the attention of your supervisor. and 24 hours later, officer brosky scored. yesterday in our lineup they described how there was suboxone coming in through the mail. they were licking it and putting it in between pieces of paper or under the seal, on stamps. when the mail came in, we were pretty diligent. i was going through it, opening, checking just for anything. and then i ripped off the seal and we found four suboxone tabs right on the seal. the letter was addressed to inmate jerry nunez, who has now been called down to speak with investigators. nunez denies any knowledge of the letter or the person who sent it to him. i had nothing to do with this. i don t know if somebody s trying to set me up or that seems to be the case. we have the mail in evidence. there was suboxone attached to
envelope or package or something coming in that would be suspect, bring it to the attention of your supervisor. and 24 hours later, officer brosky scored. yesterday in our lineup they described how they were suboxone coming in the mail. they were licking it and putting it in between pieces of paper or under the seal, on stamps. when the mail came in, we were pretty diligent. i was going through it, opening, checking for anything. and then i ripped off the seal and we found four suboxone tabs right on the seal. the letter was addressed to inmate jerry nunez, who has now been called to speak with investigators. nunez denies any knowledge. letter or the person who sent it to him. i had nothing to do with this. i hope somebody s trying to set me up or that seems to be the case. we have the mail in evidence. there was suboxone attached to it. a birthday card addressed to you.
coming in that would be suspect, bring it to the attention of your supervisor. and 24 hours later, officer brosky scored. yesterday in our lineup they described how they were suboxone coming in the mail. they were licking it and putting it in between pieces of paper or under the seal, on stamps. when the mail came in, we were pretty diligent. i was going through it, opening, checking for anything. and then i ripped off the seal and we found four suboxone tabs right on the seal. the letter was addressed to inmate jerry nunez, who has now been called to speak with investigators. nunez denies any knowledge. letter or the person who sent it to him. i had nothing to do with this. i hope somebody s trying to set me up or that seems to be the case.
envelope or package or something coming in that would be suspect, bring it to the attention of your supervisor. and 24 hours later, officer brosky scored. yesterday in our lineup they described how they were suboxone coming in the mail. they were licking it and putting it in between pieces of paper or under the seal, on stamps. when the mail came in, we were pretty diligent. i was going through it, opening, checking for anything. and then i ripped off the seal and we found four suboxone tabs right on the seal. the letter was addressed to inmate jerry nunez, who has now been called to speak with investigators. nunez denies any knowledge. letter or the person who sent it to him. i had nothing to do with this. i hope somebody s trying to set me up or that seems to be the case. we have the mail in evidence. there was suboxone attached to it. a birthday card addressed to you.
an envelope or a passage or something coming in that would be suspect, bring it to the attention of your supervisor. and 24 hours later, officer brosky scored. yesterday in our lineup they described how they were suboxone coming in the mail. they were licking it and putting it in between pieces of paper or under the seal, on stamps. when the mail came in, we were pretty diligent. i was going through it, opening, checking for anything. and then i ripped off the seal and we found four suboxone tabs right on the seal. the letter was addressed to inmate jerry nunez, who has now been called to speak with investigators. nunez denies any knowledge. of the letter or the person who sent it to him. i had nothing to do with this. i hope somebody s trying to set me up or that seems to be the case. we have the mail in evidence. there was suboxone attached to it. a birthday card addressed to you.