07/02/2023 - A raft of new projects in the pipeline, two titles screening in the sidebars and the Series Market panel are some of the highlights of Latvia’s participation in the event
07/02/2023 - A raft of new projects in the pipeline, two titles screening in the sidebars and the Series Market panel are some of the highlights of Latvia’s participation in the event
30/09/2022 - La directrice du forum lituanien explique à Cineuropa comment cet événement dédié au court-métrage est devenu le plus grand de la région balte et ce qu’il faut attendre de cette édition
30/09/2022 - The head of the forum told Cineuropa how it became the Baltic region’s leading short-film industry event and what to expect from this year’s edition
La direttrice del forum ha spiegato a Cineuropa come questo è diventato il principale evento dell'industria del cortometraggio della regione baltica e cosa aspettarsi dall'edizione di quest'anno