he has got a big, big margin in michigan, largely because he doesn t speak conservative with an accent like romney does. romney has conservative but a massachusetts accent on top of it. people don t feel he is authentic this is an opportunity for santorum to show how authentic he is. the white house is licking their chops with this one and you saw that with robert gibbs yesterday. you write about michigan, can he win it, can he not? even his chief, brooks partison in here the final analysis, i would bet he is going to carry michigan but then would he bet the farm and he said, well, i would bet my wife s half of the farm, he said laughingly. so he laughed when he said and then he paused and he said, you know, really, i think he is going to win michigan because i think he saw this quote being repeated, just as you, and creating problem for romney, whom he is backing. how much of the auto bailout, dan, do you think could even if there is 5% of just angry auto workers who don t nor