A look back at the topics, counsel, invitations, insights and warnings offered by Church leaders during devotionals and graducations at BYU, BYU–I, BYU–Hawaii, Ensign College and BYU–Pathway in 2022.
Climate change poses a call to Christian action, said climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe in Tuesday’s forum on campus. As chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy and professor at Texas Tech University, Hayhoe has always understood the global climate crisis through the lens of her faith and her belief in our responsibility to care for others.
News from the week of Sept. 18 to 24 incudes President Russell M. Nelson’s Liahona article on covenants, Elder Bednar’s live Instagram Q&A, and a summary of Elder Neil L. Andersen’s visit to South America.
Young Men General President Steven J. Lund spoke at a Brigham Young University devotional about recognizing flashes of light throughout life which help heaven seem a bit closer.
Steven J. Lund, Young Men General President for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, delivered Tuesday's devotional address. He spoke on learning to recognize the flashes of light and inspiration that the Lord gives us in order to strengthen our testimonies