Why wasn't the MTA camera at 36th Street working when Frank James allegedly shot 10 subway riders in April? The investigative report has just been released.
Prosecutors charging alleged Brooklyn subway shooter Frank James with federal terrorism charges filed new paperwork fighting his request to move the trial out.
Prosecutors charging alleged Brooklyn subway shooter Frank James with federal terrorism charges filed new paperwork fighting his request to move the trial out.
(NEW YORK) Accused New York City subway shooter Frank James will tentatively stand trial early next year for allegedly opening fire on a Manhattan-bound N tr
increasing the minimum age to buy a semi automatic rifle to 21, requiring state, local and federal agencies to share information when guns are used in crimes. they are expected to pass the state senate and assembly and be signed by the governor. a woman wounded in the brooklyn subway shooting here last month is suing the gun maker glock, she claims the company is creating and maintaining a public nuisance in the state of new york through its marketing and distribution of firearms. it is the test of a law passed last year allowing victims of gun violence to sue begin make gun makers and dealers. and two more funerals for the victims in the school shooting. services for five victims, five other victims, were held tuesday. maite rodriguez was the first.