In pushing Council members last week to set aside half of their discretionary funds for migrant crisis costs, Adams neglected to mention that he used to be a staunch defender of letting local lawmakers have full discretion over how to spend their so-called member items.
NYC continues to struggle with more than 16,000 migrants who have streamed into the city - many on buses directed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has used the massive influx of asylum seekers as a way to criticize President Biden’s border policies.
The annual report, which is required under a law the Council passed in 2019, found that women who work for the city make on average 73 cents for every dollar men make. It also showed that Black city employees make 71 cents to every dollar made by white workers, Latinos make 75 cents to every dollar in pay whites get and Asians get 85 cents compared to a dollar of a white person’s pay.
The resolution, which would be non-binding, asks Mayor Adams to submit an official budget modification to add $469 million back into the Education Department’s budget enough to make up for cuts to the nearly 1,200 schools that have lost enrollment during the pandemic.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s 135-page decision issued Thursday morning discussed the legality of forbidding firearms in so-called sensitive places such as courts, polling places and legislative assemblies and determined that New York State’s definition of the term was applied too broadly.