Engaged Citizen Corner: ‘Warn’ the Town
League of Women Voters of Brookline, Diana McClure with Felina Silver Robinson
The opening of the warrant which “warns the town” that town meeting is coming up and what Warrant Articles/subjects, both legislation and budget recommendations, will come before it were the topic of discussion at the League of Women Voters of Brookline 2nd Friday virtual event Feb. 12. As Brookline’s legislative body, our representative town meeting has sole authority to create, repeal or amend the town’s bylaws and to make budgetary decisions.
Two long-time town meeting and advisory committee members, Neil Gordon and Sean Lynn-Jones, explained the writing and processing of warrant articles before town meeting convenes and Town Counsel Joslin Murphy discussed assistance her office provides in reviewing such draft legislation. The discussion focused on how a Brookline resident can transform the seed of an idea into legislation a warrant article