SALEM City council members have been asked to attend the next Salem Utilities Commission meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday regarding sewer rates.
City Utilities Superintendent Don Weingart issued the invite when council met Tuesday night, saying the agenda includes rate study findings regarding the city sewer rates, which haven’t been increased since 1995.
The commission has been talking about raising the sewer rates, but by law, city council has final say on any rate hikes for sanitary sewer. The commission has control over the water rates.
Weingart explained that it’s time to move into Phase 3 of the wastewater treatment plant improvements and the price tag for that project is upwards of $11 million. He said money will have to be borrowed and told council members the commission will be recommending a sanitary sewer rate hike, which council will have to act upon.
SALEM City council may consider higher re-inspection fees for violators of housing code rules, giving them a monetary incentive to do better. The Rules a
Morning Journal/Mary Ann Greier
Overflowing trash containers became the source of complaints in Salem, Perry Township and other communities in recent weeks.
SALEM In the future, trash haulers in Salem could be restricted to daylight pickup hours and required to tell customers about pickup date changes to prevent trash being on curbs for weeks on end.
At least that’s what members of city council’s Rules and Ordinances Committee discussed Tuesday night as a means to address recent trash complaints.
No action was taken, with Councilwoman Cyndi Baronzzi Dickey, who chairs the committee, suggesting further research and talking to trash haulers and other communities about their rules.
Overflowing trash containers became the source of complaints in Salem, Perry Township and other communities in recent weeks, with Aarrow Disposal posting on social media about issues with COVID-19 putting their pickup schedules behind. The Rules & Ordinances Committee of Salem City Council discussed overall trash issues Tuesday night. Aarrow did pick up residential trash for customers in Salem recently. (Salem News photo by Mary Ann Greier)
SALEM In the future, trash haulers in Salem could be restricted to daylight pickup hours and required to tell customers about pickup date changes to prevent trash being on curbs for weeks on end.
Garbage regulations will be discussed when city council’s Rules and Ordinances Committee meets at 6 p.m. Jan. 12.
“Everybody’s complaining about the trash not being picked up on time,” Councilwoman Cyndi Baronzzi Dickey said Tuesday night when contacted by phone.
During the day, it was hard not to notice the overflowing trash containers with more bags and boxes piled on top and to the side sitting by curbs throughout the city. She said there have been complaints about noise, too, and some trucks are leaking on city streets.
Dickey chairs the Rules & Ordinances Committee and announced the meeting during Tuesday’s city council session. She said Councilman Sal Salvino approached her about discussing the garbage rules. She explained the discussion will include regulations for trash haulers and restrictions related to hours for pickup or possibly requiring truck inspections for registration.