Know about a 20 chance old surviving this again even cant even imagine, i mean i is that our to talk about. The hardest part of all the remembers the phone call to my wife and kids and you know its just awful. What started as a cough and a fever ended with 49 yearold Michael Herbert in the icu on a ventilator for 7 days, unsure if hed ever see his family again i dont know whats going to happen. It has been recovered. In all the numbers we hear about coronavirus number infected. Number who have sadly died. We havent heard as much about another group of patients. Those who have recovered. There are more than a Million People that have recovered. Many people are doing very well. There may be some individuals who will have some longterm. Affects because the vi depends on house how severe the virus was how are you doing what does recovery mean for you. When i first got out of the hospital i was a very and ive been told by the doctors the pole near all know just in particular in that mind my