The NH DOE recently identified ten of the lowest performing high schools, referring to them as CSI or Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools. Eight out of the 10 schools identified were charter schools. Why should the state force public school.
Cut down on plastic water bottle useREFILL and REUSE. That’s the pledge people took at Claremont’s recent Fall Festival and Chili Cook-off. They will refill and reuse the aluminum water bottles they received for making the pledge. Those who pledged.
Editor’s Note: This story was first published on New Hampshire Bulletin.CONCORD Brodie Deshaies saw unions give a voice to his family members, helping them negotiate a fair contract at work. So when he was elected to represent Wolfeboro in the New.
Of the 21 Republican N.H. House members who voted against right-to-work legislation in 2021, fewer than half have a shot at returning to the State House. Eight decided not to run again, and four were defeated in the primary