The eldest brother of late Canto-pop queen Anita Mui Yim-fong has sued the production company behind a lavish biopic currently screening in Hong Kong over alleged trademark violations. Peter Mui Kai-ming on Thursday filed a High Court claim accusing Edko Films of infringing his rights to two registered trademarks, including “Anita Mui”, without his authorisation in the production, promotion and.
Hong Kong Cinemas to Reopen as Virus Fourth Wave Abates
Vivienne Chow, provided by
Cinemas in Hong Kong are set to reopen on Thursday after a hiatus caused by the city’s fourth wave of the COVID-19 outbreak.
As the number of infections has dropped to only single figure daily increases, the government announced on Tuesday permission to reopen previously shuttered public places including cinemas and theme parks. Theme parks and cinemas have been ordered to close three times.
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Cinemas, closed since Dec. 2, were particularly badly hit as they were forced to miss were three key holiday seasons; Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year. They have been closed for 163 days out of the past 12 months, according to the Hong Kong Theater Association, a trade body.