Annapolis couple use nonprofit to fight homelessness, hunger during pandemic Brooks DuBose Willie Bullock grimaces through the pain in his shoulder as he loads pallets of food into a moving truck. The torn rotator cuff has bothered him for a while, Bullock said, but there’s no time to dwell on the injury when there are hundreds of families to feed across Anne Arundel County amid the coronavirus pandemic. Each week, Bullock and his wife, Delores, the co-founders of the Annapolis-based nonprofit Blessed in Tech Ministries, take food from the Anne Arundel County Food Bank to public libraries and other locations throughout the county to distribute from their mobile food pantry. They estimate the food reaches about 1,000 people a month.
Willie and Delores Bullock, the co-founders of the Annapolis-based nonprofit Blessed in Tech Ministries, feed about 1,000 people a month and run a program to provide permanent housing for homeless residents.