Saif Ali Khan-starrer Tandav web series has landed itself in troubled waters for allegedly depicting the Hindu Gods in a bad light. An FIR has been lodged against Ali Abbas Jafar and Gaurav Solanki, the director and the writer of the series respectively for hurting the religious sentiments of the Hindu community. Further, a notice has also been issued by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry to Amazon Prime, the OTT platform where the series was released first streamed on January 15
An increasing clamour for banning the series is being reflected on social media platforms with the hashtags of #BanTandavNow being widely circulated. In light of this, many people have come forth to call the portions of the series, “objectionable” and “demeaning”. One particular scene which has remained in the focus and is being widely criticized is where actor Zeeshan Ayyub, who plays the role of campus activist Shiva, dresses up as Lord shiva while giving a stage performance. T