and bro bonding. come on, thunk, we re going outside. i i don t want to, i m watching birds! i in my day, we didn t stare at birds, we fought them! i let me live my life! meanwhile, emma stone s eep teaches the bettermans daughter, dawn, voiced by kelly marie tran, to walk on the wild side as the whole plot careens unevenly toward a banana field showdown with weaponised punch monkeys. really. it s hardly classic fare, with all the bestjokes aimed at the adults, leaving the kids to gawp at the often spectacular visuals while mum and dad laugh wryly at the social satire and retro pop references. but there s fun to be had amid all the chaos, even if you ll struggle to remember much about the film, which is in cinemas now, five minutes after it s finished. that s it for this week. thanks for watching the film review. stay safe, and i ll see you next week. my little sister. my little sister, she bites a lot. and my dad doesn t even know about this one. whoa, peanut toe!
as cultures class, so changes occur, with ryan reynolds s guy sporting a man bun while nicholas cage s grug learns about man caves and bro bonding. come on, thunk, we re going outside. i don t want to, i m watching birds! in my day, we didn t stare at birds, we fought them! j let me live my life! meanwhile, emma stone s eep teaches the bettermans daughter, dawn, voiced by kelly marie tran, to walk on the wild side, as the whole plot careens unevenly toward a banana field showdown with weaponised punch monkeys. really. it s hard the classic fair with all the bestjokes aimed at the adults, leaving the kids to gulp at the often spectacular visuals while mum and dad laugh at the social satire and pop references. even if you re struggling to remember much about the film, which is in cinemas now, five minutes after it s finished. that s it for this week. thanks for watching the film review. stay safe, and i ll see you next week. my little sister. my little sister, she bites a lot, and my da
watching, a point of entry into this increasingly absurdist but weirdly entertaining oddity. deerskin is in cinemas now. my name s eep. .. ..and we re the world s first family, the croods. he groans. another glorious morning. i ll leave you with news of a new age, the belated sequel to 2013 s prehistoric animation the croods. venturing out into the world in search of their tomorrow, the caveman crood family find themselves face to face with the future in the form of the bettermans. as cultures clash, so changes occur, with ryan reynolds guy sporting a man bun while nicolas cage s grug learns about man caves and bro bonding. come on, thunk, we re going outside. i don t want to, i m watching birds! in my day, we didn t stare at birds, we fought them! l let me live my life! meanwhile, emma stone s eep teaches the bettermans daughter, dawn,
my name s eep. .. ..and we re the world s first family, the croods. he groans. another glorious morning. i ll leave you with news of a new age, the belated sequel to 2013 s prehistoric animation the croods. venturing out into the world in search of their tomorrow, the caveman crood family find themselves face to face with the future in the form of the bettermans. as cultures class, so changes occur, with ryan reynolds s guy sporting a man bun and nicholas cage s grug learns about man caves and bro bonding. come on, thunk, we re going outside. i don t want to, i m watching birds! in my day, we didn t stare at birds, we fought them! j let me live my life! meanwhile, emma stone s eep teaches the bettermans daughter, dawn, voiced by kelly marie tran, to walk on the wild side, as the whole plot careens unevenly toward a banana field showdown with weaponised punch