An Arkansas Supreme Court administrative order that revised how child support is calculated tripped up a local judge and has at least one judge on the Court of Appeals questioning whether unintended consequences harm rather than help children.
it should not have been adopted by either side of the aisle. however that is the order of the day. and we need to bring the budget to the floor and have a conference committee so we can adopt some of what was adopted on the senate side to get rid of the sequestration. towhile, the f.a.a. plans furlough nearly 47,000 employees, including 15,000 air traffic controllers, for approximately one day every two weeks. the furloughs have already begun. they started on april 21. we are going to be backed up in these airports. it is time for us to understand that it is an emergency. the gentleman from iowa is recognized. at this moment, i will reserve my time. like the gentleman from arizona is recognized. how much time do we have? gentleman from arizona has 2.5 minutes. the gentleman from arizona has 7.5 minutes. i will ask my chairman. do you want to even out the time? i will reserve my time, if you like. do you have two more speakers? i just have one more. i was going to su