Henderson County (Jan 23, 2023) - Hendersonville’s Stormwater Division and MountainTrue are inviting the community to join a live staking event to help protect Brittain Creek and improve local water quality at 10 a.m. Feb. 7, on Brittain Creek between Patton Park and Mud Creek. Live staking is the process of driving dormant hardwood branches into the ground so they take root and protect streambanks from erosion.
Henderson County (Jan 20, 2023) - Hendersonville’s Stormwater Division and MountainTrue are inviting the community to join a live staking event to help protect Brittain Creek and improve local water quality at 10 a.m. Feb. 7, on Brittain Creek between Patton Park and Mud Creek. Live staking is the process of driving dormant hardwood branches into the ground so they take root and protect streambanks from erosion.