and then and chicago, it has taken a very interesting turn. democrats paul vallas and brandon johnson are vying for the seat. we will talk to johnson who is part county commissioner and the area. we will talk to him about what he is bringing to the table. plus, we are kicking off women s history month by celebrating her story. we are talking to barrier breaking woman for change in the game and their profession starting with pixar animation studio executive brittle wilson. i am symone sanders-townsend, and i have something to say. omething to say. welcome to march 2023, all i d like to know brandon johnson is a cook county commissioner. it is women s history month, and let me just say that i hope we do not finish this month we have started. this past week, walgreens the nation s second largest pharmacy chain announced that it wanted distribute abortion pills in states where republican attorney general object. keep in mind, abortion remains completely illegal in many of the sta
organizations and into their products right? that is really where your profits. how can you get this to the point of profit? i think going forward, as we have seen there has been somewhat of a recoiling of these roles and the focus on it. i think that s a bit short sighted. what is the legacy want to leave a picture? it s a fantastic question. i come from a long history of stronger women and my family. what we were always, what i was always taught was to make more deposits and withdrawals. so my legacy if i can choose what it would be was make sure that i made as many deposits and the lives of so many that it really mattered. britta wilson, a game-changer ladies and gentlemen. vice president at pixar, very good to see you my friend. thank you so much. thank you so, much appreciate it. if you love that, fox will be giving it to you all month long. again, partnership of not your
values, we are featuring were game-changers and trail blazers and our celebrating her story series. and please, go read more about britta wilson. at no your values, check us out on you see britta right there, thank you so much for watching symone on saturday everyone. i am symone sanders-townsend, you can catch me right here on msnbc weekends at 4 pm eastern and anytime over on the peacock where i have an upper south on the msnbc hub every monday. and for more of the show including behind the scenes videos, you just don t see anywhere else, find us on instagram, twitter and the tiktok. politicsnation with the great reverend al sharpton, will start right after this break. r this break when you have chronic kidney disease. there are places you d like to be. like here. and here. and here. not so much here.
experiences and shared language. we created the inclusion summit as a way to do that. dana marie who i think you know, worked on the project soul. they anne-marie said this about you. about pictures recognition and the new york times. she, said pixar recognize that if joe is going to be black, who was the character and sold we would need a lot of help. she said that, you britta will send help build an internal cultural transmit above some of the studios black employees, a group that was, diversify outside voices and they said they also talked a lot of external consultants. and organizations about how to tell the story authentically. when it was determined that you will be african american or a black jazz musician, what we know medical was that we have to provide the scaffolding and support for dana and pete. vide the stampa was the writer e show and eventually was elevated to the co director. what we wanted to do is provide them with the support that they could to make sure my sing