It wasn t you. That you. Wow Ok that was another terrific He town of powerful and well of his most impressed by the war in treaty Michael in Tanya and well music is the key to all those connections that s Forster s we re talking about. The medium of love and healing finding a piano in the ruins and soldier teaching himself to play what a healing thing Ok let s hear some John Lennon here on Kadian k. It s a little after 10 and this is Katie and Kay Carbondale community access radio Glenwood Springs Carbondale to run for Valley in beyond. At the Christmas it s December 15th and this is the speculative connection. We look back on an era of peace and love that was John Lennon and Yoko Ono the Plastic Ono Band. War is over if you want to Happy Christmas Ok let s talk about. Well what s this. A public service announcement just in the Aspen choral society presents its 41st Annual performances of Handel s Messiah That s right this weekend I ve seen it. Kitsis beloved musical holiday traditio
Teddy Thompson in my arms just by rich Marty who 1st said Teddy I almost program a not track and he said become one of my favorite artists of all time such as prevalent here and he said it s always good to hear him on the show what I ve discovered I m I m great just last thing from Fouquet it s entitlement. But nicer than the grim cold here really is not yeah as long as you don t post up pictures of in social media because none your friends want to see that and have got some well wouldn t see friends as I mean it keeps doing that and it s game really quite enoy in the wrong time of year to be dead as it gets today is the more suggested by Adrian N old Meldrum who listens to the program every day on the way home he just got in touch again just a function play my suggested theme he d love to fight the music is so eclectic there s lots of different things public service broadcasting and go he said it got me nodding a top of my feet a go home a stream the album a job a wife crackers but
The 22 year old was last seen alive more than a week ago in Oakland and police have arrested a man called him Peacock is from Radio New Zealand there are 2 police officers currently guarding a scene across a road called scenic drive there s a reason why in a day officers have been seen there wearing white face masks forensic examination outfits and there are more than 5 marked and unmarked police cars at the scene a big tent and Van So it looks like this is the site they ve identified sorry police have arrested a man who allegedly tried to snatch a girl at a Christmas fair he suspected of trying to abduct the 6 year old in egg him yesterday around 102125000 protesters are police of 2nd pass in more antigovernment demos across France yesterday around a 1000 people are in custody after clashes with police the McCrone government says the protests initially of a fuel tax rises have been taken over by violence activists. As a journalist in Paris there was less of a brute force in the viole
I suggest people police have started a murder investigation after a man was found dead in John chapel in Glasgow yesterday morning he s been named as Dad and Sinclair was from the local area Sunday Monday has the details the 27 year old was discovered by a member of the public on conform strive for to run quarter to each Yesterday morning he last been seen near the drum chapel shopping center a tour around 1130 on Monday night to take to say extensive inquiries are under way they re checking C.C.T.V. Footage and speaking to local residents in a bid to stop Lesh what happened and the rogering anyone with information to come forward they say Mr Sinclair s family has been left absolutely devastated the U.K. Government is being challenged to make additional investments to the city s deal to help save the closure threatened Mitchell And frankly and on the Earlier this week the U.K. Government said it would be reviewing the $150000000.00 planes it had already pledged would be invested but l
So. Let s. Take. A look. Indeed the bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump what is interesting is that we re talking about interest banging in shows and this bangs and I I think I m starting to understand that banging into office for not always has a drama it s plays James and Bernie was just my. Drums on the Hounds of Love by Kate Bush White House of Love but Kate Bush was a great intro as well this by a he called her the something else saying for joke about banging intros we want one chain from you with a bang intro on bang and if you like boom bang bang bang and I fireworks night at least 5 which is weekend which is a one shot and with a bang intro that you could recommend 808599693 numbers 2 looking for that bag the one to fear the as a banging in show and what about House of Love by the way. Jonathan is with us by the ways and music critics tonight say pub I love love love supply I mean this is so. Yeah I ve n