Into the power of song on the sports field, and giving it a go myself. And stav has the weather. Good morning to you. This weekend is a tale of two halves. Were starting the weekend on a cold, frosty note, plenty of sunshine. And then tomorrow it looks cloudier, breezy and wetter, but a bit milder. Ill have all the details for you in about 15 minutes. Good morning. First, our main Story Emergency services are expecting this weekend to be one of the busiest of the year, as towns and city centres are packed with christmas revellers. Extra ambulance crews were brought in ahead of last night, amid concerns that so called mad friday, the most popular day for works christmas parties, would see a surge of alcohol fuelled incidents. Michael cowan reports. It is one of the busiest nights of the year for our Emergency Services, so much so that londons Ambulance Service are bringing in an extra 30 crews. Were going to be incredibly busy this weekend, and well take lots of 999 calls to patients wh
I could learn a lot of things from you. Lost tv treasures. How rediscovered shows will be seen for the first time in decades today at a london exhibition. The ashes are slipping away from england as captain steve smith hits a double century to raise australias hopes of a Third Straight win in the series. And in half an hour, an early slice of christmas as the travel show heads to finland for a reindeer safari. Good morning and welcome to bbc news. A leading supporter of brexit has said the uk cannot become a colony of the eu during the expected two year transition period after britains withdrawal in march 2019. Jacob rees mogg made the comments after eu leaders yesterday agreed to move to the next phase of brexit discussions in the new year. They also suggested the uk would continue to participate in the Single Market and remain under thejurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice during any transition phase. The date when the uk leaves the eu, march 29th 2019, is now likely not to be
First, our main story. Emergency services are expecting this weekend to be one of the busiest of the year as towns and city centres are packed with christmas revellers. Extra ambulance crews were brought in ahead of last night amid concerns that so called mad friday, the most popular day for works christmas parties, would see a surge of alcohol fuelled incidents. Michael cowan reports. It is one of the busiest nights of the year for our Emergency Services, so much so that londons Ambulance Service are bringing in an extra 30 crews. Were going to be incredibly busy this weekend, and we will take lots of 999 calls to patients that have suffered the effects of alcohol. That puts a massive strain on our system. It means that we will divert ambulance resources away from patients, perhaps an elderly patient on the floor with a broken hip or a baby with a broken arm, in order to attend those patients that present as immediately life threatened. The pubs are packed and the pints are poured, bu
The ashes are slipping away from england. Australia captain steve smith hits a double century, as his side takes complete control of the third test in perth. And in half an hours time, dateline london reflects on brexit talks and asks whether the election of a democrat in alabama it really is a blow to donald trump. Good morning and welcome to bbc news. A leading supporter of brexit has said the uk cannot become a colony of the eu during the expected two year transition period after britains withdrawal in march 2019. Jacob rees mogg made the comments after eu leaders yesterday agreed to move to the next phase of brexit discussions in the new year. They also suggested the uk would continue to participate of the European Court ofjustice during any transition phase. In the Single Market and remain under thejurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice during any transition phase. The date when the uk leaves the eu, march 29 2019 is now likely not to be set in law. Lets speak to our Politic