The son of Pakistani immigrants has become the first Muslim federal judge in U.S. history after the Senate voted to confirm him to the post by a vote of 81-16.
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How the Supreme Court Helps Keep American Law White and Male
The expectation that law students complete multiple clerkships before making it to the Supreme Court is just another hurdle for women and those that take on law school debt.
Former law clerks wait for the arrival of the late Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to arrive at the U.S. Supreme Court, where she will lie in repose, on Sept. 23, 2020, in Washington, DC. | Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
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Sarah Isgur is a graduate of Harvard Law School who clerked on the Fifth Circuit. She was Justice Department spokeswoman during the Trump administration and is the host of the legal podcast Advisory Opinions for the Dispatch.
April 27, 2021 at 1:21 PM
The Supreme Court of the United States (Photo by David Lat)
Ed. note: This column originally appeared on Original Jurisdiction, the latest Substack publication from David Lat. You can learn more about Original Jurisdiction on its About page, and you can register to receive updates through this signup page.
Here at Original Jurisdiction, I try to give you content that you can’t find anywhere else. Your inbox is full enough as it is; if I want you to subscribe, I know that I need to give you something different.
For example, take Supreme Court law clerk hiring. I don’t believe any other outlet covers SCOTUS clerk hiring in the granular, hire-by-hire way that I do. (Speaking of which, I’m working on another SCOTUS clerk hiring update; if you know of a hire that’s not mentioned in either my last hiring roundup or the @SCOTUSambitions Twitter feed, please email me at, subject line “SCOTUS clerk hiring,” with
Republican and Democrats have slammed Joe Biden s announcement
They have said it is divisive , brainless , a radical left ploy and a power grab
Biden established commission to examine expanding the Supreme Court Friday
Move would wipe out conservative majority on the bench formed under Trump
Mitch McConnell said it was more evidence of the far-left s influence on Biden
Mitt Romney said it would forever diminish institutions at our foundation
Rep. Marsha Blackburn said Democrats will destroy institutions to seize power
Nikki Haley said: Court packing is undemocratic, divisive, and brainless
The panel of 36 legal scholars is made up of both liberals and conservatives